25 Jan 2013

Quote Friday #2

Quote Friday je projekt, ktorý som sa rozhodla urobiť. Ide v ňom o to, že každý piatok zverejním jeden či dva výroky z knihy, ktoré ma niečím oslovili či už boli vtipné, alebo v sebe zase mali nejakú tú pravdu a inšpiráciu. 

"The only thing better than imagining Dimitri carrying me in his arms was imagining him shirtless while carrying me in his arms."  

(Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead)

 “He grinned. It was a wicked grin, the kind that made the blood in Clary's veins run a little faster. "You want to go on a date?"
Caught off guard, she stammered. "A wh-what?"
"A date," Jace repeated. "Often 'a boring thing you have to memorize in history class,' but in this case, 'an offering of an evening of blisteringly white-hot romance with yours truly."
"Really?" Clary was not sure what to make of this. "Blisteringly white-hot?"
"It's me," said Jace. "Watching me play Scrabble is enough to make most women swoon. Imagine if I actually put in some effort.”  

(City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare)


  1. :D ta věta z VA je naprosto skvělá! :D :D :))

  2. To druhé som akurát po tebe lajkovala na GR :D Jace má také super hlášky, zbožňujem ho :D
    Už sa musím pustiť do štvorky. :D

  3. Jééé, hlášky z dvoch úžasných sérii, ktoré milujem.^^

  4. Oba citáty sú skvelé =D Odteraz sa na QF budem tešiť :D
